Let us make this pledge on this day, as a tribute to all women on #internationalwomensday2021 to remove limiting beliefs that confine us in every aspect of our living.
#IChooseToChallenge ✋my limiting beliefs and live freely…
Let all blocks that are stopping me from manifesting my desires, be completely and safely removed. Remove regular limiting beliefs. Remove inherited limiting beliefs. Remove pre-natal limiting beliefs. Remove absorbed and nested limiting beliefs. Remove traumatic and karmic beliefs. Remove doubts and feelings of unworthiness. Remove any other types of limiting beliefs, known and unknown to my conscious mind.
Let all such blocks be removed at all levels, in all dimensions, across all time and space. I now let go of all such blocks and such limiting beliefs. These are now permanently removed from my subconscious mind.
With love and respect, I now ask for permission to change and transform.
I ask my physical body for permission to change and transform.
I ask my etheric body for permission to change and transform.
I ask my emotional body for permission to change and transform.
I ask my mental body for permission to change and transform.
I ask my causal body for permission to change and transform.
I ask my etheric template for permission to change and transform.
I now ask my Higher Self and Superconscious Self for permission to change and transform.
I ask my physical body to safely accept and manifest my desired changes.
I ask my etheric body to safely accept and manifest my desired changes.
I ask my emotional body to safely accept and manifest my desired changes.
I ask my mental body to safely accept and manifest my desired changes.
I ask my causal body to safely accept and manifest my desired changes.
I ask my etheric template to safely accept and manifest my desired changes.
I ask my subconscious mind to be fully receptive to these affirmations and now ask my Superconscious mind and my Higher Self to manifest my desired changes safely and quickly.
It is done. It is done. It is done.