Remind me that I am not weakened by my painful past or my uncertain future,
And to take courage in the power of my blossoming every Full Moon…
Show me the power of the wombman in me,
As Maiden, Mother and Crone,
So that I claim my birthright to heal and to be healed, in the whispers of the winds…
Hold me by my hand and show me my fullest potential,
Every time I lose sight of the magic within me…
Send me through the spirals of confusion,
So that I understand the unveiling of my ignorance,
And therefore, let go what serves me no more…
Challenge me in every rise of the Moon,
So that I apply the knowing I am born with,
And trust, that I am exactly where I am meant to be…
Throw me to the abyss of my deepest fears,
So that I return from my ashes whole,
And take flight in my rebirth…
Teach me, probe me and compel me,
So that I have no choice but to claim my sovereign power and to live life on my terms…
En-trance me with your ancient wisdom,
So that I am able to shed my old Self and claim for my highest good what is here and now…
O’Moon Wombman,
Awaken me as the Shaman and the Crone,
So that I own the blessings of my blood as the wombman of the Earth…
It is done. It is done. It is done.
So mote it be.
~Sujata Nandy ~