The Four Archetypes Of The Yoni

The Four Archetypes Of The Yonni by Sujata Nandy

Yoni sometimes referred to as pindika, is an abstract or aniconic representation of the Hindu goddess Shakti. It is usually shown with the linga – its masculine counterpart. Together, they symbolize the merging of microcosmos and macrocosmos, the divine eternal process of creation and regeneration, and the union of the feminine and the masculine that recreates all of existence. The yoni is conceptualized as nature’s gateway of all births, particularly in the esoteric Kaula and Tantra practices, as well as the Shaktism and Shaivism traditions of Hinduism.


Yoni is a Sanskrit word that has been interpreted to literally mean the womb and the female organs of generation. It also connotes the female sexual organs such as “vagina,” “vulva,” and “uterus,” or alternatively to “origin, abode, or source,” of anything in other contexts.


The classical Hindu literature divides women into four archetypes, according to the predominant type of the energy manifested in a woman: earth, water, fire, and air. This tradition was maintained all through the tantric period, and there are traces of similar classification systems in the Taoism as well. There is a chance of misinterpreting the facts when taking them out of the context. One may interpret esoteric ideas either literally, or allegorically. Nonetheless, Tantra underlines the fact that the four types of women may represent archetypes co-existing both on the physical level, and on the psychical, subtle level.


These four basic yoni archetypes are:



The LOTUS WOMAN (with the predominating Anahata Chakra): named PADMINI, who is said to have been created in the world of the Gods. Her face is beautiful; her body is soft, with golden, silky, and delicate skin, bright eyes, great breasts, and three lines under the umbilical area. She walks like a swan, has a low, melodious voice, and likes to wear fine clothes.


The Lotus flower is regarded in many different cultures, especially in eastern religions, as a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration, and rebirth. Its characteristics are a perfect analogy for the human condition: even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower. In South Asia, the sacred Lotus is omnipresent in religious history. Beyond the fact that the lotus is considered as a sacred flower, it is a symbol of every man and woman’s ability to surpass their conditions no matter their origin, and accomplish themselves, just like the lotus flower growing tall until it floats above the muddy waters.


The LOTUS WOMAN takes pride in the way she manages her affairs and carries herself with integrity and honesty in her love relations and tends to choose her partner before she offers herself to him. She has a deep respect for her body and prefers to be treated with honour and respect. She is sweet yet, intriguing; smart and engaging yet, forceful in a gracious way. She belongs to the WATER element, creating the ‘flow,’ wherever she goes. For the lotus woman, fluidity is the name of the game – constantly moving and diligent with her processes.



The ART WOMAN (with the predominating Manipura Chakra): named CHITRINI, is said to come from the heavenly realm and is extremely beautiful. Her body is strong, medium-sized, and delicate at the same time, thin waist, impressive breasts and buttocks, and dark skin. Her voice is nice, and she rocks her hips as she walks. She is highly dedicated to all erotic and refined pleasures and is usually an expert in the 64 arts.


The AIR ELEMENT, the ART WOMAN is vivacious, deep, and creative and knows what she wants. She paints out her affection as she would creatively depict her passion on canvas and looks at the deeper nuances in life than other women do. She looks at the entire spectrum of colours and understands how the colours (metaphorically speaking), layout in the play of her life. She thus is a challenge for any man but is usually pursued because of her ‘je ne sais quoi,’ and often makes the chase worth the while. She is as temperamental and moody as her deliverance on canvas but eventually, produces masterpieces in her work and just about everything she does.


She is quaint, playful, deep and yet, serious about her projection to the world and commands the same kind of inquiry as she becomes the subject on display in an art gallery – more often than not, she is the topic of discussion (for better or for worse) everywhere she goes.



The SHELL WOMAN (with the predominating Swadhisthana Chakra): named SHANKINI, comes from the realm of people; her skin is most often white and she is warm, well-built, with big breasts and a firm waist. Her head, hands, and feet are usually large and her voice is often hoarse. She is moody, changing, and violent, subject to attacks of passion. She likes red flowers, clothes, and jewels. She is often callous and uncaring and likes to complain about other people’s mistakes. She seduces in order to receive love, but her affections lack depth.


Belonging to the FIRE element, the SHELL WOMAN, is defensive and guarded against the speculations of people. She projects that she lacks knowing but in actuality, knows more than the average person. She often wishes to be understood for who she is and appreciates honesty and a genuine heart, rather than people who want to know her for the sake of it.


She chooses her partner based on whether he is able to keep up with her and keep her safe rather than wealth and looks. She prefers long-term relationships and looks out for herself (in a selfish way), as she is encapsulated in her own world of fears and often, is the very reason for her shortcomings in her relationships.



The ELEPHANT WOMAN (with the predominating Muladhara Chakra): named HASTINI is said to come from the elemental realm. She is usually small, robust, and walks slowly, with her neck bent. Her skin is rarely soft, and sallowest -white in colour. Her lips are thick and her appetite is very healthy, as she enjoys eating often and much.


Belonging to the EARTH element, the ELEPHANT WOMAN is hardy and grounded – she is usually in charge of herself and requires a lot to satisfy her. She is cheerful and serious at the same time and usually has very low self-esteem. She requires external validation for who she is and what she wants in her life. In relationships, she requires her partner to fulfill her often and wholeheartedly, otherwise, she falls into the unforgiving spirals of ‘he loves me – he loves me not,’ syndrome. Requiring reassurances often in her life, she is an emotional roller-coaster and suffers from many illnesses as a result.


She looks up to people who treat her with love and compassion and often, becomes needy and unsure of the sincerity of these gestures. Her love is often a cry for help and she more often than not, settles for whoever gives her the time of day.


These four types of yoni archetypes have been formed according to their experiences in their previous lives. The secret traditional yogic texts say that sooner or later, people become what they are prepared to assimilate at physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. With the help of a proper diet, a healthy way of life, a beautiful relationship, based on sexual continence, and a firm spiritual orientation the lotus flower (Padmini), may blossom in every woman.


“The central part of a woman has four distinct qualities: first, it resembles the extremity of an elephant’s back. Second, it is twisted like the windings of a shell. Thirdly, it is closed by something soft, and fourthly, it closes and opens like a lotus flower.” – Parisa Rama Krishna Rao



Image credit: Pinterest


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